About delivery

1: Can I ship to multiple addresses?

Unfortunately, at the moment, we do not have the option to ship one order to multiple addresses.
If you would like your order to be sent to multiple addresses, the best thing to do is to place separate online orders, amending the shipping address details for each order.

2: Do you deliver to an address other than my billing address?

Yes, we can. Simply input your delivery address during checkout. This doesn't have to match your billing address.

3: How do I track my order ?

You can track your order using the tracking link in your shipping confirmation. Please allow 24-48 hours for the tracking link to go live. The shipping status will be updated for the first time when the parcel arrives at the destination country. Please check your spam filter if you have not received the shipping confirmation.

About orders

1: When will be changed for my order ?

After you place your order, payment will be taken immediately and you will receive an email confirming that your order has been registered successfully.
If your card is not authorised, payment will not be taken and you will see the error notification that your payment was declined. 

2: I've received a wrong product in my order, what to do?

Please check the description of the product on our website, some of our products may vary from the picture in colour / pattern.

If you haven't received your order confirmation, please check your spam / junk folder, or contact Customer service who can resend the order confirmation.

3: I have received a damaged/faulty product, what should I do?

We strive to deliver the best quality products to our customers, but we know it doesn’t always go as planned! If your item was damaged in transport or you notice a fault with your product, please contact our Customer serviceWe would like to point out that we are unable to send single parts of a product or replace a missing/broken piece.

About payment

1: Which payment types do you accept?

You can use any of the payment types listed below to pay for your order: VISA, Mastercard,  Pay Pal, We are currently not offering payment by invoice.

2: Taxes?

There are no additional taxes for shipping. All taxes and services are included in the price of your order. 

About product

1: who designs your products?

We have our own in-house product department that designs all our products, inspired by our  heritage. This includes all stages from product design to graphic design of the packaging. Therefore, we also strive to deliver new, exciting and fun products each week. You can read a lot more about our love of good design and award-winning products here.

2: How often do you get new products?

We get new products every week. Many of our products are limited edition and sell out fast, so do not wait too long to place your order.

3: Are products safety tested?

Yes, we give top priority to the safety of our products since we want our customers to have fun and safe experiences when using our products. We want our products to be chemical-free, which is why we have a very strict product safety policy for all our suppliers.

All products go through our product compliance process to ensure they are safe and compliant. This means that all materials must be approved prior to purchase through our approval process. The process is complemented by our test programme through which we ensure that our products are tested for hazardous materials. With very few exceptions, all our products are tested in the pre-production phase. For those products considered to be high risk, the testing is repeated during mass production. When we define our requirements, our policy is to comply with the EU requirements or the applicable national legislation, whichever sets the highest standards. In several areas, we go beyond the legal requirements.